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Homemade face makeup

Making homemade face makeup isn’t difficult. With just a few things you probably have lying around the house you can make great face paint to go with any Halloween costume. Costume makeup is an important part of a Halloween costume, so you shouldn’t overlook it. Making face makeup that is versatile is a great way to get the flair of Halloween makeup without spending the money.

What you need:

  • 1 tsp of cornstarch
  • ½ tsp water
  • ½ tsp cold cream
  • 2 drops food coloring of your choosing
  • Bowl or container


  1. Stir together cornstarch and cold cream into the bowl or container until it is blended well to the consistency you require.
  2. Add the water and stir until blended.
  3. Stir in drops of food coloring. The number of drops depends on the color of face makeup you are looking to get.


  1. Wash and dry your hands and face thoroughly before applying any face makeup.
  2. Use your fingers to apply the Halloween makeup to large areas.
  3. For smaller designs on your face, use a small paint brush or makeup brush.
  4. Remove with soap and water after you are done.
  5. Store refrigerated in an airtight container.